Stakeholder Engagement

The Kewpie Group implements the concepts of our group philosophy and policy in all communications with our customers, employees, partners, shareholders, investors, local communities, and all other stakeholders who support our activities.

*As of the end of November 2023

  Our Commitment Major Programs (FY2023 performance)
To respond to our customers' confidence by delivering safe and reliable products and putting quality first in all our activities, in keeping with the Kewpie Group Code of Conduct
  • Customer Information (24,786 inquiries/comments)
  • Voluntary Declaration of Consumer-Oriented Management
  • Kewpie Community website: "Ohanashi Dining" (20,834 members)
  • Kewpie Community website: "Kewpie Mayonnaise Fan Club" (140,265 members)
To respect employee rights and refrain from all forms of discrimination and harassment, in keeping with the Kewpie Group Code of Ethics; to support diversity, respecting each employee's individuality and aspirations for growth, in keeping with the Kewpie Group Code of Conduct
  • Employee attitude survey (biennial)
  • Labor Management Committee
  • Diversity discussions
  • Career self-assessment (annual)
  • Human resource development through interviews between supervisors and subordinates
To engage in free and fair competition and build transparent and healthy relationships oriented to mutual growth, in keeping with the Kewpie Group Code of Ethics
  • Communication via operating activities
  • Scheduled and unscheduled visits to supplier sites and on-site get-togethers
  • Initiatives with agricultural suppliers and organizations
To build transparent and healthy relationships, in keeping with the Kewpie Group Code of Ethics; to promote better understanding of the Group among investors and shareholders
  • General Meeting of Shareholders (annual)

    * opportunity to submit opinions in advance

  • Financial results briefings for analysts (semiannual)
Actively contribute to society, particularly through food education, and work in harmony with the local community and society as a whole, in keeping with the Kewpie Group Code of Conduct
  • "Open Kitchen" factory tours and Mayo Terrace tours (44,266 visitors)

    * Including online

  • "Mayonnaise Class" (food education) (5,617 participants)

    * Including online

  • Public lectures on food topics (100 lectures)

    * Including online

  • Nursing care events (81 lectures)
  • Communication with international and domestic communities in each area
  • Activity report meetings of organizations supported by the "QPeace" matching gift program (six times a year)
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